Cathryn Moskow, LCMT
'Be Your Best Self'
My Credentials

Cathryn Moskow | Muscular Therapist, LCMT, Member ABMP

I'm mostly like a GP of muscular therapy because I work with such a wide range of people for so many reasons. This includes people with issues from injury, posture, post surgery, chronic conditions, people with goals to improve function. You might be a weary parent, an over scheduled student, stressed out academic w postural issues, athlete (say no more), depleted business person doing 60hr/weeks, professional international ballet dancer, worldwide or locally performing musician,  sore professional driver, marathoner,  lawyer, retired with some time to finally pay attention to your physical body, a bodyworker, author doing their umpteenth book tour, weekend warrior, doctor/surgeon, chiropractor,  and anyone really, who needs a "time out" from the busyness of everyday life. 


I used to work very long hours in advertising in San Francisco.  One day, I was sitting in a company meeting and all the muscles of my back started rippling.  "Uh-oh" I thought. My first ever visit (luck was with me)  to a non-traditional health practitionerwho was a  very advanced chiropractor. She diagnosed me with non-working adrenal glands.  These are what get us out of bed in the morning.  This diagnosis and treatment is  what opened the door. Fast forward to Australia where I worked in commercial real estate (more long hours) and again, with a back you wouldn't believe. One of the Directors pointed me to his Italian massage therapist and acupuncture couple and this was when I walked through that open door.  I'd never felt better... the difference that great body work made astounded me. I spouted to anyone who would listen about massage + acupuncture. And then one day, I decided that maybe I should put my money where my mouth was and left the real estate world and the corporate world for good.  And came back to New England and trained. The rest, as they say, is history. 


  • 1992 Applied Kinesiology (Daniel Whiteside), Brisbane, Australia
  • 1993 Massage Institute of New England, Cambridge, MA (750 hrs)
  • 1994 Licensed in Massachusetts #994744
  • 1996 Aromatherapy Certification, Michael Scholes, CA (40 hrs)
  • 1999 Myofascial Continuity, Tom Myers, Cambridge, MA (36 hrs)
  • 2000 Shiatsu for Joints + Muscles, Florida (40 hrs)
  • 2000 Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Columbia, MD (80 hours)
  • 2002 BioDynamic Studies, Paul Gordon, Portland, ME (126 hrs)
  • 2004 Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Certification (Mind/Body), Peggy Huddleston, Portland, ME
  • 2008 Physicians Assistant credentialing by Brigham & Women's Osher Center for Integrative Medicine (Dr. David Eisenberg)
  • 2009 LIcensed in Rhode Island #MT01664
  • 2014 Member ABMP (American Bodywork + Massage Professionals) #718121
  • 2015 Massage for Seniors/Geriatric Massage

I also hold a BA and have taken many Mind/Body trainings over the last three decades, including certifying for "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster", a 1-hr pgram designed to aid the pre-surgery process and surgical outcomes.


  • Body balance: aimed at functionality and comfort in body
  • Injury/Surgery recovery
  • Relief of chronic pain in varying age ranges
  • The aging body and massage benefits









Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 401.808.0837
© Copyright 2025 Cathryn Moskow, LCMT. All rights reserved.